Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Land Marks Established by Tata Steel

The Land Marks Established by Tata Steel in Metalliferrous Mining

The Land Marks Established by Tata Steel in Metalliferrous Mining
1909Discovery of Deposit at Joda East
1917Discovery of Deposit at Noamundi
1917Discovery of Deposit at Khondbond
1925Manual Mining commenced at Noamundi
1935Manual Mining commenced for Manganese at Khondbond
1940'sInstallation of Mono Cable Ropeway, Partial Mechanisation at Noamundi
1949Discovery of Chrome Deposit at Sukinda
1952Mining Lease Obtained at Sukinda
1953Mechanised Section Opened at Noamundi
Primary / Secondary Crusher & Washing Plant at Noamundi
First Heavy Media Separation plant for Iron Ore Installed at Noamundi
1958Mechanised Mining Operations with Bi-cable ropeway commenced at Joda East
1960Manual Mining started at Sukinda.
1962Manual Mining commenced at Gomardih.
1965Secondary Crushing & Wagon Loading facilities for unwashed ROM at Joda East
1967Large scale Mechanisation & Beneficiation of Iron Ore at Noamundi.
First Slime pond in India-- prevention of pollution at Noamundi.
1970Mining for Friable ore Started due to increase in market demand at Sukinda
1971Installation of Pelletising Plant to use blue dust at Noamundi
1978Partial mechanisation at Gomardih
1980Pelletising Plant Closed at Noamundi
1980Mine mechanization at Sukinda
1989Installation of Dry circuit material Processing Plant at Noamundi
1990Commissioning of Chrome ore Beneficiation Plant at Sukinda
1992Installation of Primary Crusher for Dry Circuit Material at Noamundi
1994Washing Plant with Dust Suppression & Dust Extraction System and Quick Loading Facilities at Joda East Construction of Zero Discharge Slime Pond Joda East.
1994Mine Development for Iron Ore at Khondbond
1994Chrome ore Beneficiation Plant Certified with ISO-9002 at Sukinda
1995Mechanised Production Commenced at Khondbond
1995Fully Mechanised Operations Commenced at Gomardih
2000Production of pyroxenite at Sukinda
20012nd Slime dam constructed with Multi discharge point systems at Joda East
2001Dry Fog Dust suppression system installed at Khondbond
2002First Slime pond in Mined out Area - A Total conservation effort at Noamundi
2004Expansion at Noamundi
2005Jigging Plant Commissioned at Noamundi
2005Hydrocyclone Commissioned at Noamundi & Joda East
2005Expansion and modernization of Chrome Ore Beneficiation Plant at Sukinda

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